An introduction to the code base

The following is a description of what happens when the user starts Ocellaris by running the following on the command line:

ocellaris INPUT_FILE

Ocellaris starts by running the main() function in the ocellaris.__main__ module. This function will create an object of the ocellaris.Simulation class. This simulation object will be central to the execution of Ocellaris and it will be passed around to allmost all pieces of the code. Everyone who wants to look at the input or access the calculated solution must do this through the simulation class.

The main function will now read the input file given by the user on the command line by running the ocellaris.simulation.Input.input.read_yaml() method. The code will also set up logging / console output and print a banner unless the user has set the log level so high that INFO messages will not be printed. If a restart file is provided instead of an input file the main function will reload data and input from that file.

Next the ocellaris.setup_simulation() ocellaris.run_simulation() functions are called and then the ocellaris.__main__ module will take no more part in the running of Ocellaris except for printing a goodbye message at the end.

The main task of setting up and running the simulation is done in the module. This is where the ocellaris.run_simulation() function is implemented along with several utility functions. The following actions are performed here:

A simplified replification of the above in a script would be:

from ocellaris import Simulation, run_simulation

sim = Simulation()

Read more about scripting in the Scripting Ocellaris section.